Our very first destination: Wheeler's Yard!
I love the interior design for its rustic feel to it. It is a pretty nice place to chill out as it is really spacious and they serve quite a huge variety of beer for groups of friends to drink and hangout.
I love this bike! Love the colour and the vintage vibe to it after the makeover^^
The outdoor area is very very spacious but can get a little warm though.
It's kinda cosy ya? even though it may seem kinda messy at first, with bicycles, helmets and accessories laid out everywhere, but after awhile everything just seems so cosy. It makes you feel like you can just 'nua' or sit anywhere, anyhow you like so long as you are comfortable =)
Had to take a picture of this lolx, its a pretty outstanding piece of furniture haha
Even Baby Alsa seems so amazed by the interior design of Wheeler's yard! =X
more and more bikes ... well... its Wheeler's Yard after all..
You are expected to place your own orders at the counter and afterwhich you will be given a token that vibrates once your orders are ready for collection. I think its pretty cool to be working at Wheeler's Yard because everything just seems so 'easy-going' (can't think of a better word to use lolx).
Check out the suspension and saddle bags! cool ya!? ^^

I hafta be honest that the food at Wheeler's Yard isn't very fantastic, they are pretty expensive but taste pretty normal... However, if you plan just to chill here and have some snacks/finger food with your friends, then i would really highly recommend the Truffle Fries served at Wheeler's Yard. These fries are pretty darn good^^
Yvonne's Caesar Salad~
Looks like eating grass =X
Wifey ordered Spaghetti Bolognese which is really normal.... Although the minced beef is pretty fresh and good quality, the Bolognese sauce made the dish pretty mediocre if you ask me.
The Fish & Chips.... very very normal.. very very dry.... not recommended at all~
Some photo taking session before heading over to Trick Eye Museum! haahaa
This was supposed to be a JUMP SHOT! Check out the superb instructional skills and finger clicking skills that our dearest Mou has....
Even baby Alsa is frowning at her dad's jump shot skill =X
And off we go~! To the Trick Eye Museum Singapore @Sentosa! Woooooohooooo! (i have about 800 photos taken at Trick Eye Museum ** okay.. i am exaggerating a little, but yes.... i have a ton of photos taken over there, so i will only be selecting a few of my personal favorites to be shown here^^).
We were still 'warming up' for the first few shots haha. There are a lot of people there due to the June Holidays.. so it was super packed and everything is just trying to get a shot at every exhibit.. that's why at first we were in quite a mad rush, but things got better after that and we managed to get a hang of how we were supposed to pose and the angles that we were supposed to shoot at =)
This is a really scary shot hahaha poor Alsa.... her parents literally balanced her head in between the boobs of the mannequin for the shot to happen~
Love this cute little optical illusion haha~ But this scenario.. seems like a real life scenario.. where the wifes usually triumphs over their husbands =X
Perhaps one of the few successful 3D photo ^^
Help~ We are falling off from the rooftop and gonna get eaten by the Anaconda!
Mou and his brother Panda =X
This was taken superrrrrr well =) One of the top few that we managed to get the exact angle ahhaa
Not easy okay! Princess carry Wifey and balancing the both of us! =)
Wifey has always aspired to do Water Ballet lolx~ she finally realises her dream over here at Trick Eye Museum haha
Bombs AWAY!
We are so gonna become roast pig! (ahem ahem~ Mou is already in position for becoming "Bak Kwa" =X)
Who's cuter?!?! of course Wifey La! =)
Fly us to the moon~ ^^
Wifey the beautiful Mermaid! =)
If only this could come true hahaha, i can bring wifey to travel all around the world! =)
Obviously me lor~ ^^ duh~
i dunno who is he...
And neither do i know him too..... Mou's new found friend?
I kinda doubt with Mou and I in the front.. we will really be able to fly anywhere.. or even.. lift off from the ground... =X
Giddy ya Giddy ya~~ Lets gooooooo~
These snow globes are amazing! Totally 3D!
Never knew Mou was this flexible hahahahahhahahahahahhaAAHAHAHAHA
and the 3 pretty ballerinas~ .....
You may have seen a Merlion before, but have you rode on one? =)
HeeeeeEEeee~ HAaaaaARRRrr~!
Reminds me of Dhalsim from Street Fighter~ =X
These set of photos have the best 3D effect! Damn cool right?!
And that's the end of our Fairytale adventure at the Trick Eye Museum Singapore!
Ta Da~~~~ =)