If you like:
1. High ceiling
2. Huge room space (despite it being their most basic deluxe room)
3. Super duper comfy bed!
4. Bathtubs with complimentary Bath Salts from ESPA
5. Scenic view of Adventure Cove...... (and Bikini babes having fun at the Adventure Cove)
6. Being treated as a VIP
Then, you must try Equarius Hotel!
But before that.... Before we went for our nice little staycation, we definitely have to fill our stomachs first right? WahaHahAHA~ I hope you are not feeling hungry right now, because... Our food hunt landed us at Alexandra Village for Claypot Laksa and Avocado Milkshake! =D~~
This bowl of awesomeness is definitely work making the trip to Alexandra Village! I hafta admit though, that parking over there is a bitch... and the super hot weather in Singapore kinda deters me from going to Alexandra Village... But.... But.... But.........
Its this bowl of Claypot Laksa that makes the effort totally worth it! I sweated buckets... but i was happily devouring this delicious Claypot Laksa!
Whack until no more soup! Hmmmm`mmm~~~ ^^

I really don't think that nobody would not know or heard of Mr. Avocado at Alexandra Village. It is the only place where delicious Avocado drinks are served! Thus far... sadly... i have not tasted any Avocado drink that is half as decent as the ones served at Mr. Avocado! And check out my humongous cup of Avocado drink! WAhahahhahaHA~ Hot weather, spicy delicious Laksa and a nice chilled Avocado drink to complement the meal....
I am happy^^
Check out our fantastic view! I could literally sip champagne and spend at least half a day at the balcony^^
I'm not sure if i am the only one, but i always felt that balconies are important at hotels/resorts. And it must be both clean and spacious! Love the 'relax-one-corner' kinda feeling ahahah~
As i mentioned previously~ high ceiling and super duper spacious rooms! Even though it was only a deluxe room, it totally felt like a suite to me!
Argh~ Plushy king size bed that is facing the balcony~ Dreamy and Lovely~ =)
Guess what?! You can peek at those who are taking a shower or using the toilet!
LoLxxx~~ Just kidding~ The binds can be released from inside the toilet for privacy^^ But if you are planning to come here for a romantic couple night, then... what the heck~ =)
The toilet was love at first sight for all of us. I can only use the word incredible to express how nice the toilet is! If only there weren't too many of us, i would have stayed in the tub for the whole day LoLx~ Oh man... Balcony and Tub... how to choose?! .....
Both the shower and toilet area are separated from the tub. I didn't mange to take a photo of it but there is a huge rain shower at the shower area! My favourite 'Combo', Bathtub and Rain Shower~ Ultimate self-indulgence =)
Hee~ A'lil selfie for the day!
The swimming pool is rather far away from where our hotel is though. Because it is an outdoor swimming pool instead of an indoor one, it is situated at a short distance from the hotel.
Wifey and her mum^^ The swimming pool is very nice right!
Awwwww~ I totally enjoyed swimming with wifey over here. Check out the scenery and the peace and serenity that this place has to offer!
Notice the beach chairs that is in the pool? Those are for the occupants staying at the villas! Right outside their villa is this swimming pool! They have beach chairs at their doorstep for them to chill and their very own jacuzzi too! NniiCCccEeeee~
Lol~ We felt kinda bad that Mother was waiting for us by the side of the pool and even became our photographer haha~ But thanks Mother!
Time to head back to the hotel and i simply can't wait! Because it's time to relax and soak in the bathtub! As shown above, a external view of Equarius Hotel.
Omg~ Here i come!
They even provided Bath Salt from ESPA! Love the sweet scent that it produces and the relaxing feeling!
*** After approximately 45minutes ***
Shiok ar! My body kinda feels like jelly right now as i lie on the soft and plushy bed~ omg.... heaven...
After... another hour.... Cindy, Ben and Elise are finally here! (Wifey's sisters and Cindy's BF).
Time to pamper our stomachs again! And this time... its Ding Tai Feng!
This particular appetizer is called 'Xiao Cai' 小菜 Its kinda pricey honestly.. its like $4 for a plate! And its really really small, but i liked it alot! Lolx... Its a very simply tasting dish, but it just sets me up for my main course!
This is a must order! Translated to english, it is crushed garlic with bacon! 蒜泥白肉. This is good... really good... having this right after the Xiao Cai just totally whets your palates!
I am not a fan of starchy soup, but one thing great about dining in a group is that you will get to try dishes that you won't usually order by yourself. And thanks to Cindy, i get to try their Spicy Hot and Sour Soup! Its really not bad!
Their prawn cake is decent~ It does not really have that kinda 'Wow' factor but it is still pretty good! A nice side dish to complement your meal^^
My favourite noodle dish here at Ding Tai Feng! I've ordered this over and over again, and i never ever am bored with it! I love their 红烧牛肉面 "Hong Shao Niu Rou Mian" to bits! The handmade noodles are springy and the beef is so so so so so so so so tender! And they will give you the best part, half tendon half meat! OMG!..... =D~ (hungry liao while blogging... lolx and its 1am.... zzzzZzZ)
Another of our favourites here at Ding Tai Feng^^ Pork Ribs Fried Rice! It seems normal~ But the rice is super duper fragrant and the ribs (boneless btw) is unimaginable TENDER! I wonder if they whacked the meat like 99999 times before cooking it so that it can taste so TENDER!
At the end of the day... all of us were soooooOOOOoOoOOOo SATISFIED!
But being us... Foodies... Food lovers.... Gluttons.... Whatever you call us, we can NOT end the day like that without a nice dessert right?!?! I mean... how can!?! So we head straight to Just Like it! For some ice-cream! And because i am a RWS Invites member, they currently have a 1-for-1 promotion!
It is not uncommon to see such ice-cream shops in Singapore, where blend the mixture of the flavour of the ice-cream that you want, then pour in nitrogen and *PooOfF* Ta Da~ You have Ice-Cream~ But we haven't tried it before, so ...
The obvious... LoLx~
But.... it's..... below average... really... and in fact, the chocolate ice-cream had a sourish taste to it! Eerrrkkkk... Totally totally waste of money...
And because of that... Wifey and I had to make ourselves feel better by order a Toffee Nut Frappucino at Starbucks! LoLx (excuses~ haha)
The interior design of the Starbucks at Resort World Sentosa is really beautiful! A cafe that i would really really feel blessed if it's situated near my house! I would patronise it every single day!
And there you go~ A nice lovely cup of Toffee Nut Frap to end the day~ And off we go, back to our lovely hotel!
It was an incredible staycation for all of us! The rooms at Equarius Hotel ain't cheap, but it is definitely value for money!
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